Garage Door Panels: When to Repair Versus Replace

Is your garage door acting up lately and causing inconvenience? Are you in a dilemma whether to fix it or replace it? Perhaps your garage door is getting old, is a victim of severe weather conditions, or has accidental collision with your vehicle. Irrespective of the reason, it’s important to evaluate the underlying problem to get to the right remedy. In this blog , we take a look at how to know when it is time to repair versus replace garage door panels.

Evaluate the Issue

Assess the actual problem with your garage panel. Only after a proper diagnosis will you be able to tell whether or not to replace it. For instance, if the panels have a few dents, they obviously need a cheap fix, not replacement. Conversely, if the door has been through a terrible storm, it may become inoperative and affect the normal function. Sometimes, simply replacing parts such as hinges, top rail, and track is enough to bring the door back in action. But, if the damage is extensive, for example, broken panels, there needs to be some major replacement. Consult a 24-hour garage door service for professional help if you’re unsure about the problem. Let them diagnose the issue and provide a quote for either a repair or replacement.

Set a Budget

How much is a garage door panel repair or replacement going to cost you? Well, the nature of damage determines the final cost. It could be anywhere from a few dollars to several thousand dollars. So, while the national average cost for repairing garage door is about $221, it can vary depending on the needs. Hinge replacement costs customers a few bucks whereas issues with springs will push it to more than $300. Installation of panels ranges from a few hundred dollars to more than $700, and they usually require an expert to handle them. Most of the garage doors today last about 20 years. In the long run, it is better to replace those that are nearing their expiration date with a lump sum made to a 24-hour garage repair business than having to repair them frequently at no fixed cost.

Hire a Garage Door Repair Company

After you determine the nature of the issue with your garage door panels, and working out a budget, it is time for help. Check out some of the leading 24-hour garage door repair companies in your area that deal in installation, repair, and replacement of garage doors. Let a team of professional mechanics take care of your garage door panels because they know them inside out.


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